About Us
Adil Ali: His work for over 30 years focuses on the interface of issues around citizenship, governance, gender and the environment. He has worked with civil society organizations in India as well as in South Asia and South East Asia on people’s access and control over natural resources, livelihoods, human rights, corporate accountability and governance. His past experience includes strategic planning, monitoring and evaluation, participatory research and people-oriented advocacy. Engagements with community-based organisations, international non-government organizations (NGOs), universities as well as bilateral agencies have allowed him to work at different levels of intervention.
Adil can be contacted at adil.ali@aank.in
Josefina Oraa: Her work emphasizes the promotion of women’s human rights and gender equality, focusing on issues of violence against women & girls, migration, women’s participation in decision-making and governance, women’s access to justice, women's access to livelihood and resources, among others. She provides technical advice and support for gender mainstreaming. She conducts research and policy/legal review in support of advocacy for reform. She develops training curricula and modules, and facilitates training for various target participants. She undertakes evaluations of projects/programmes. Affiliated mainly with the non-government development sector in various contexts particularly in South Asia, SouthEast Asia and the Mekong subregion for more than 30 years, she has also engaged with governments across levels, international non-government organizations and donor agencies, the UN System and other institutions.
Josefina can be contacted at josefina.oraa@aank.in.